Sunday, March 27, 2005

Howie Day- End of our days

So....I'm feeling pretty bad...been really sick for the past two days and wish it were the end of my days...but it's here I am bloggin...
Through this song I basically see it as my life...everything just builds up and up, and eventually you just feel like you need to escape it all or you will drown in all of it. Sometimes you have to stand up and realize what you really feel about things..make the choices you need to make and just move on with your life... Escape everything that you can't help or change... worry about the things you can do now... It is a fairly simple accompaniment with piano, drum set, guitar, and strings. As the song progresses, instruments are added...kind of like the worries of your life add up as it goes along. Then as all the instruments have been added the lyrics are "slipping all away, slipping all away" This is obviously the climax of the song, then it goes directly back into the begining pure piano block chord accompaniment.....good song...but..I'm still sick and worrying....

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