Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Chopin: Impromptu No. 1 in A-flat major, Op. 29

Chopin: Impromptu No. 1 in A-flat major, Op. 29

This piece I found on Naxos music library, and caught my attention right away because it is so hyperactive, and crazy that is sounds like a chicken running around with its head cut off in the A section. Both right and left hands are moving fast creating these ongoing twisting phrases within the A section. After the whole A section is played once, it sounds like it is going to repeat but really it is going into a transitional section where the A section’s main theme is used as a sequence and changes keys. Then there is this cool kind of waterfall effect that brings us to a very light and legato section (B). I view this as the chicken thinking back on its wonderful, yet short life. How it use to flutter across the farm pecking the corn off the ground, and basking in the warm summer sun. Then after all the wonderful memories have passed it suddenly remembers how the farmer came after him with the ax to chop off it’s head and it gets thrown back into the A section. The A section is played all the way through, and a terminative section is pasted to help bring the craziness into some sort of order. It brings the piece to where it will feel natural for the chicken to take its last step and ends with some rhythm kind of resembling a slowing heart beat……..….well that was fun…the end…

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