Tuesday, February 22, 2005

"Talk to Me" by Stephen Lynch

First of all, this song is NOT suitable for children it contains naughty words in abundance. That being said Stephen Lynch is actually has quite a flair for writing hilariously outrageous songs, this one is no different. The first section begins with a minor tonic chord for a vi-V-IV-I6 progression which is repeated, only with a Half cadence the second time through. This whole section is repeated, making it seem an inverse of a normal phrase (the IAC coming first, then a half cadence). Now from this introductory verse we go straight to the chorus. After a small pickup on the half cadence we get a I-V-IV-V progression which is repeatedthree times, now we have a small repetition an extension of the IV and V chords, before our PAC and return to our normal I-V-IV-V progression. Now we come in with the second verse, which mimics the chorus's progression until the fourth time repeating, where we just hold on the half cadence before returning to the chorus. This is pattern is repeated for 2 more choruses and verses until our final chorus. This final chorus proceeds as normal until the change on the extension, which now repeats the lyric from the second chorus, then the lyric from the third, finally the lyric from the first in a long cadential extension before our final PAC. This song the first time i heard it I nearly fell out of my chair laughing, then really got into how he would create tension by extending out cadences, really focusing in on the pull of a half cadence and using the music's own pull to add to the humor of the lyrics. An interesting interplay between words and music. I'd write them in here but it would not be very appropriate...

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