Friday, February 25, 2005

Forever- The Beach Boys (With Uncle Jesse)

Ok, so you all remember that episode of Full House where Jesse is going to marry Becky and he wants to go sky diving first and gets stuck in a tree and is late to his wedding? Right. Well also at the wedding (when he finally gets there) he sings this song to Becky. AND he later makes a music video out of it with the Beach Boys and "goes on tour". Sweet.
Not only is this song repetitive, melodic, and catchy but it brings me back to those days when the highlight of my weekend was watching Full House on TGIF and having sleep-overs with my friends. With simple progressions, touching words, and a little piano solo (it turned into an electric guitar solo when he made the music video out of it.) it even brought a tear to my eye when I was 8 and thought boys had cooties.
I'm not going to steer you wrong though, this was NOT the best episode of Full House, but this was definitely the best song that came out of it. The rest of the songs that came out of Uncle's Jesse's band (Jesse and the RIPPERS) were crap. Total. Crap.
There ya go...your daily dose of childhood flashbacks courtesy of ME!
(and if you're really in the mood to relive your childhood Uncle Jesse crush...go to it is BEYOND hysterical.)

1 comment:

Scott said...

Would this song have different meaning if it hadn't been used in Full House? If so, what kind of meaning?