Sunday, February 13, 2005

Le Fille aux chevauex de Lin

This piece of music was very cool....hah hah, just kidding! This piece by Debussy, is very interesting. I was listening to it b/c we were studying some Debussy in 20th century Lit, and how he attempted to essentially "paint" an image with music. Therefore, his music is very lush and coloristic, with lots of texture and exotic chords. I really like his music b/c it is still classical and yet it has sucha rich, jazzy feel. In the girl with the flaxen hair, the melody is extremely lyrical and seemes to pull me in with its constant, flowing motion. I loved the chords with the 9ths and parrallel 5ths. Even though these chords are sooo against all rules of Romantic tonality, his music still sounds beautiful and doesn't give any inclination of something being "wrong." This piece of music did inspire my creativity and imagination and did paint a picture in my mind...not particularly of a girl with flaxen hair, but rather lush colors and the idea of being free and happy and floating (ok, I know I now sound like i'm high, but hey did't he do opium??) Well, as you can tell, I really liked this piece, and I am excited to listen to more Debussy. Goodnight!

1 comment:

Scott said...

I don't know about Debussy's drug habits. It is more probable that he would have been loopy on absinthe rather than opium.